发布日期:2015年04月02日    点击次数:     作者:管理员    来源: 本站原创


    历经五年兑现与您的承诺,金沙湾乡村俱乐部已于2014年5月全面进入纯会员制经营,开启了金沙湾一个全新的里程碑时代。五年期间,我们获得各类奖项无数,跻身全国700家高尔夫俱乐部之前20名行列、全国百佳球场第43位、更于2014年获得 “泛高尔夫网”授予的 “金牌纯会员制俱乐部”称号,五年坚持不懈的努力和对品质的不断追求,让我们与您共同谱写了一个奇迹、一个辉煌!

    2008年试营业至今,金沙湾创造了诸多的全国第一:第一家承诺五年实现纯会员制俱乐部的球会、第一家实行免费周末自助早午餐的球会、第一家坚持冬季全场交播的非锦标赛球会……。每年新年礼品的精挑细选、每年球场景观的不断投入和改进,每届会员杯赛事的精心组织……这些都保证了每年会籍的不断升值,为您创造价值。这一切都是本着“家庭 务实 积极”的理念,用我们最大的投入给您最好的俱乐部体验,体现身为金沙湾会员的卓越荣耀!






⑴ 会员生日当月,可免费享受打球服务一次,每次最多可携带三名嘉宾;

⑵ 会员获赠定制服装一件,价值1180元;

⑵ 会员获赠定制服装一件,价值1180元;

⑶ 赠送12480VIP(需会员陪同)25200元平日抵用券(会员可代订,代订时间段受限);20300元假日抵用券(会员代订可灵活执行)

(3) 3000元现金抵扣,无消费限制。


   ● 银行转账

   ● 前台付现金或刷卡

   ● 预付款内抵扣









After five years efforts, Kingswan Country Club has achieved our commitment with you and upgraded to be a fully-private club in May of 2014, which has been recorded as another milestone in Kingswan’s history. During these five years, our club received numerous awards, ranking Top 20 golf club in China, and 43rd golf course among Best 100. In 2014, we are honored with Gold Medal Fully-Private Club by Funfungolf.com. Due to our consecutive endeavor and pursuit of quality, we together created a miracle!

Since 2008 soft-opening, Kingswan has achieved so many No.1s around the nation: No.1 Club promising to be a members-only club within five years, No.1 Club offering weekend buffet for free, No.1 non-tournament course overseeding in winter…… Elaborately-selected New Year gift package, investment and improvement to course landscaping, well-organized Members Cup……All these ensure the growing value on your member card. Under the mission of “Family, Practicality, Proactive”, we would like to provide you a best golf experience with maximum input, as well as a supreme honor being a member of Kingswan. 

According to a recent assessment report upon Golf Industry, along with current management of Club, our board of directors hereby decided as follows: “In order to ensure the running of Club, to improve our service and quality, to maintain the status of operation, also to protect member rights, our annual fee will increase from ¥3600 to ¥9000 since 2015.” (Please refer to Article 15 Membership Bylaws)

As a thank you present for your great support, we will gift one of below packages to the members who pay the annual fee of 2015.

Package A 

Package B

⑴ In the month of your calendar birthday, you and up to 3 guests can enjoy one round of play for free;

⑴ In the month of your calendar birthday, you and up to 3 guests can enjoy one round of play for free;

⑵ One ¥1180 suit of custom-made clothes;

⑵ One ¥1180 suit of custom-made clothes;

⑶ 12 pieces of ¥480 VIP Coupon (Member accompanying is required); 25 pieces of ¥200 off Weekdays Green Fee Coupon (Member booking is required and Tee time is restricted ); 20 pieces of ¥300 off Weekends & Holidays Green Fee Coupon.(Member accompanying is required)

(3) ¥3000 in member account.(valid in Green fee, 

cart fee, caddie fee, meal fee, and pro shop)

Please be aware of the date of payment. Any of payments below will be welcome: 

● Bank Transfer

● Pay in cash or card at our front desk

  Use Advance Payment

In order to protect your members right and related service, please choose any of payments above and complete the payment transaction before 2015 May 31st. 

When annual fee failed to be paid on time, the Club reserves the right to suspend such membership in accordance with Article 13 in Membership Bylaws. 

With best regards,

Kingswan Country Club Co., Ltd.

2015 March 20th